Thursday, March 15, 2012

I am Loved

I  miss Earl the most when my earthly burden seems too heavy to carry all by myself.  Today has been one of those days.  I get lots of support from my family but sometimes it is just not the same as having Earl physically with me.  I struggle for the correct words to say how I feel because I have such a strong testimony of eternal marriage.  Anyway, I digress.  Today I am feeling lonely, all alone in the world etc. (having a "pity party") then I received this inspirational e-mail:

 "You are never far from the sight of your Heavenly Father."

—President Boyd K. Packer, "Counsel to Youth", General Conference, Oct. 2011

Then this afternoon, I caught myself humming a song while I was working.  A primary song.  I didn't even know all of the words, I had to look them up

I feel my Savior's love  in all the world around me
His spirit warms my soul through everything I see

I feel my Savior's love its gentleness enfolds me
And when I kneelto pray, my heart is filled with peace.

I feel my Savior's love and know that he will bless me
I offer him my heart, my shepherd he will be

He knows I will follow him Give all my life to him
I feel my Savior's love, The love he freely gives me.

Childrens' Song Book # 74

I have been taught today.  I am loved.  I am never alone.  I do not carry my burden all by myself.  If I feel alone, it is because I am pulling away from my Heavenly Father.  He is always there, watching me, waiting for me to come to Him.  I am His daughter.  He loves me and I love Him.