Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One Month

We have survived the first month since Earl's death. We have had some peaceful moments and some teary moments. One sweet moment: Mary told me that she had a dream about Daddy. I asked her if he said anything to her. She said "No Mom, spirits can't talk to you, they just watch." She is thinking about her baptism later this year. Right now she doesn't know who she can trust to baptize her and not leave her in the water too long.

I have found myself not doing a lot even when I have had a lot to do. I am getting better at just getting in and making myself work. My house is still a wreck but I'm making progress on the laundry. I keep hoping that the laundry-folding-fairy will come some night and my laundry will get off my couch. At least I have washed it and it is no longer a stinky mountain in front of the washer.

My landlord brought us in a new dishwasher. It really works. I guess the 3rd time is the charm. I love loading dishes in and having them come out clean.

The medical equipment company finally came and picked up the hospital bed and now I can get to my vacuum. I can't find my broom or my toilet brush so I guess I'll have to go buy new ones.

I need to find the box of tax information so that I can file my tax returns. And finally, I need to figure out a schedule so that I can do some sorting everyday along with sewing, spending time with Mary and taking care of the house.

Biggest things to learn when you experience a death in your family: Breath in and out and put one foot in front of the other. Pray always. Have patience with yourself. Healing takes time.

One thing I do know is that Earl is very busy. I don't know exactly what he is doing but I know that he has things he needs to get done as well. We both are still working toward our common goal of the Celestial Kingdom.

I picked out the headstone today. I hope I did the right thing. As a veteren, Earl was qualified to receive a military headstone. They are very simple. I wanted Earl's to say something about him. I love to walk through cemeteries and make up stories about people based on what is on the headstones. Earl and I had several dates doing just that. I want a headstone that someone could look at it and know something about him.


Anny said...

Hey Karen,
I just wanted to tell you how great it was to have Mary play with Victoria the other day. Victoria was so happy to have so much attention for herself she was a little angel after you left, never fussed or cried and went to bed like it was her favorite thing to do. I realize giving her that much attention everyday would really do wonders for the peace around our house. Too bad I don't have time to do it, I guess Mary will have to come again. Thanks again for letting her play.

Carolyn said...

I like what you said about working toward a common goal, the Celestial Kingdom. I always feel closest to those I love when we are working on a common goal. Even if it means that we don't have as much time to spend together, it always feels good to be working in the same direction.

I know your testimony must bring you great comfort. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Alisha Stamper said...

Karen, what a beautiful post. I am home during the day, put me to work! I actually love folding laundry, seriously. So if you can get over the fact that it won't be in the middle of the night, sign me up!

Marti Putnam said...

I'm still trying to get the laundry fairy to visit our house too. If you end up moving we will be there to help if we can.

Emily said...


I was just looking up Pioneer clothing on line and found your site. You do beautiful work!! Wow! I've been making some things, but just wanted some more ideas - to see what's out there. My kids and I volunteered at TITP last summer, but I'm expecting this summer and don't quite think I'm up to volunteering this time around. We'll see though, maybe as a sub or something - until July. Do you make your own patterns or do you buy & modify them. Just beautiful!! I think I'm going to try my hand at some hats next.

Sorry to hear about your husband. If it's the same trek back in 1997, my family and I joined up with that one for the day prior to Independence Rock. We only went one day, which was fun in and of itself. I love Pioneers, sounds like you guys do too. Good luck trying to get things settled again after the loss of your husband. I'm sure it will take some adjustments. I hope your business can keep you going.

Emily - Bountiful