Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Getting Ready for the next Treatment

We saw the radiation doctor last week and after some confusion, we are scheduled to start Earl's next treatment on Friday. That is when they will do the mapping. Mapping is where they use a catheter in his femoral artery to go into the liver and make sure that the path is clear and they are able to inject the Theraspheres. They also have to make sure that all the veins going from the liver to other organs are blocked so that the radiation doesn't escape and damage other organs. Since I am not very medically minded, I am not very good at explaining what they do. I only know that it works.

Earl had a CT scan before we saw the doctor and the report on that is that the tumors are breaking down. According to the doctor, the edges of the tumors are not as defined as they were before we started so the treatment is working. The do not anticipate that the tumors will completely go away but it will keep them from growing any larger for right now.

I have been working on another period dress that I will be posting soon. I am also working on a temple dress for a client. Ever since I first made myself the "wrapper" dress from my website, I have thought that it would make a great temple dress. This client had the same idea so I will post it when it is completed.

Mary entered her school's Reflections contest. She actually entered twice. Her first entry is a large ship that her and Earl put together. They made it from a large cardboard box. This was the second time that they have done this. Mary is a planner and she thought for quite a while about how to make the next one better. After she got it all planned out, they put it together. She won a second place ribbon.

The second entry was a photograph of tulips. I love this picture.

Mary loves to take pictures of flowers and I think she did an excellent job. She received an honorable mention for this picture.

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