Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Back in Business

I know that many reading our blog have not wanted to contribute to the chaos, so I just want to let everyone know who may be contemplating an order, we are back and functioning. Its time to get ready for trek.

Thanks all for your concern and prayers.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...


Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and Mary. Scott and I pray for you often, as we have been ever since learning that Earl was sick. I have seen a little of your strength and your testimony so I know that you will make it through and yet ... I wish life could have been different for you. Or at least this aspect of it.

I think a lot about that day your family came to have cake and play dice with us. I think about how Earl brought that little vase with fresh flowers. I remember how proud Mary was of her father when he won the game. I remember feeling so at ease; you have such a spirit of friendship and love in your family. Earl especially was always welcoming and generous. He was one of the first people to welcome us to the ward. He used to talk to me when Soren was out screaming in the hallway. I was always grateful for that.

I wish we had gotten a chance to know him better. But that's probably for selfish reasons.

I keep thinking I should come by and visit you but something keeps stopping me. Perhaps you need some space right now? Time to think and work. If not, Soren and I can be over in a heartbeat. We enjoy your company very much and would love to help you in any way we could.